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Kidney disease

Also known as: kidney failure, chronic kidney disease, CKD

Healthy kidneys play a vital role in maintaining overall well-being. They work to eliminate excess water and waste, regulate blood pressure, balance essential body chemicals, promote strong bones, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and support normal growth in children. Kidney disease arises when the kidneys lose their ability to effectively cleanse the blood of toxins and waste products, as well as carry out their multifaceted functions. This decline in kidney function can occur suddenly or gradually over time.

Diabetes stands as the foremost cause of kidney disease, accounting for approximately 40% of all cases of kidney failure. High blood pressure follows as the second leading cause, responsible for roughly 25%. Another variant of kidney disease is glomerulonephritis, a broad term encompassing numerous types of kidney inflammation. Genetic disorders, autoimmune conditions, congenital anomalies, and other underlying issues may also contribute to the development of kidney disease.

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