Kidney disease doesn’t control your life. You do.
You are at the center of your care. And you are not alone. Our medical professionals work around you to ensure you receive the care that is best for your individualized needs.
The more involved you become in your treatment plan, the better your outcomes and quality of life will be. Dialysis plays just one role in your overall health. It is critically important for patients to maintain a healthy diet and exercise schedule to boost your general wellness.
Outlook for dialysis patients is improving every day. Kidney Care Partners reports that a new data analysis shows that improvements in dialysis care are allowing patients with End Stage Renal Disease to live longer lives. Also, check out additional statistics for how kidney care quality is improving.
Learn more about living with kidney disease. From work to travel, to helpful knowledge for family and caregivers, we’re providing resources with you in mind.

Kidney disease doesn’t control your life. You do.

Diet and Exercise
Keys to a healthy diet and improved fitness.